Several calculators are now available that do computations in fractional form as well as in decimal form. Some of these automatically give results in the simplest terms. If you have access to such a calculator, discuss how it might be used in teaching fractions and especially fraction computation. If such calculators become commonplace, should we continue to teach fraction computation?
Description المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Saudi
Description المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Saudi Electronic University Department of Business Administration College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Assignment 1 MGT324 (1st Term 2024-2025) Public Management (MGT 324) Due Date: 5/10/2024 Course Name: Public Management Student’s Name: Course Code: